



More than 38 (Thirty-eight) years of Business and entrepreneurial experience.


Bachelor in Social Science (Sociology) from University of Dhaka
Master’s in Social Science (Sociology) from University of Dhaka


Chairperson, CSR Committee

Mrs. Salina Ali is a prominent business personality of the country having interest in Real Estate, Hospitality & Tourism, Banking Services, and many more. She is the Chairperson of Unique Hotel & Resorts PLC as well as Unique Group - a renowned business conglomerate in Bangladesh. Mrs. Ali has been involved with ‘The Westin Dhaka, Sheraton Dhaka and Hansa Residence’ from the very beginning of its commercial operation. Mrs. Ali has been a Director of Eastern Bank Limited since long. She is involved in many social and philanthropic activities. Mrs. Ali has travelled extensively across the globe on business trips.


Mrs. Ali is leading and performing as the Managing Director of the following business organizations:
  • Purnima Construction (Pvt) Limited
  • Unique Share Management Limited
  • Crescent Commercial Center Limited
  • Gulshan Clinic Limited


Mrs. Ali served as the Director in the following renowned companies:
  • Director, Eastern Bank Limited
  • Director, Borak Travels (Pvt.) Limited
  • Director, Hansa Creative Solutions PLC
  • Director, Borak Real Estate Limited
  • Director, Unique Ceramic Industries Limited
  • Director, Arial Dairy and Agro Industries Limited
  • Director, Hansa Management Limited
  • Director, Unique Vocational Training Center Limited


Nominated Director & Member


More than 40 years of banking experience at home and abroad.


Mr. Kazi Mahmood Sattar is a Nominated Director of Unique Hotel & Resorts PLC representing Unique Eastern (Pvt.) Limited. Mr. Sattar a veteran banker, joined the local banking industry after 20 years of senior management experience, with banks like Standard Chartered and ANZ Grindlays Bank at home and abroad. He is reputed to have shaped the banking industry in Bangladesh adopting the best practices of foreign banks. He was former Chairman of SWIFT Users Group, Bangladesh and former Chairman of the Association of Bankers, Bangladesh. K. Mahmood Sattar also held reign of Eastern Bank PLC as Managing Director & CEO from 2001 to 2007. Joining City Bank in 2007 as Managing Director & CEO, where he transformed the bank from its traditional method of operations to a centralized model, thus making City Bank the second bank in the country to have adopted the new way of banking. Mahmood Sattar led the launch of the country’s first dual currency credit, debit, prepaid cards and also American Express Credit Cards and forged strong tie-ups in the Middle East, Europe, and the US for the efficient inflow of remittances from overseas Bangladeshi workers. In recognition of running the Bank successfully on its ground breaking change management processes, he himself received ‘The QFC – Asian Banker ‘The Leadership Achievement award 2010’ for his exemplary leadership. Under his leadership, City Bank became the first local Bank in Bangladesh to have received the ISO 9001:2008 accreditation from the international certification body, Moody International for its entire back end and technology operations. He has been accredited with achieving the ‘Best Bank in Bangladesh for 2012’ by Finance Asia; “The Strongest Bank in Bangladesh award” in 2010 from The Asian Banker. Mr. Sattar left City Bank, after 32 years in the banking industry in November 2013. Currently he is the Chairman of RSA Advisory Limited a boutique investment bank in Bangladesh and Blue Wealth Assets Limited an asset management company.



Nominated Director & Member


More than 45 (Forty-five) years of Managing Director & CEO of Prantik Express Ltd. And Prantik Travels & Tourism Ltd


Bachelor in Social Science (Economics) from Chittagong University

Master’s in Social Science (Economics) from Chittagong University

Rtn. Ghulam Mustafa is a leading business personality of the country and Nominated Director of Unique Hotel & Resorts PLC representing Borak Real Estate Ltd. A valiant Freedom Fighter Mr. Ghulam Mustafa is also involved with various socio-cultural organizations. He is a Rotarian and served as President of Rotary Club of Dhaka in RY 1999-2000. A frontline Freedom Fighter Ghulam Mustafa was the commander of a unit of pioneer platoon of 10 East Bengal Regiment (EBR). He was also a Staff Officer to the C.O of 10 East Bengal Regiment during War of Liberation and fought gallantly against the 15 Balooch Regiment and 24 Frontier Force Regiment of Pakistan Occupation Army. The fierce battle called “Second War of Belonia Bulge” where Mr. Mustafa fought gallantly, have been included lesson curriculum of Bangladesh Military Academy and many other Military Academies of the world. This illustrious personality has been honored with more than 100 awards from local and foreign countries which in short are CIP (5 times), Fellow of the World Bank, 3 Gold Medals for business ethics, professionalism and humanitarianism in business, Golden Key of Manila city by its Mayor, Arthakantha Business Award and so on.

Rtn. Ghulam Mustafa is the author of 3 books on our great Liberation War and 1 on Rotary Service apart from innumerable articles published in many renowned newspapers of the country. He also appeared in different local and foreign TV channels many times and spoken on the Liberation War, Remittance earning thorough manpower export for the Socio-economic development of the country, ethical business practices, current issues of the country etc.

Mr. Mustafa is a widely traveled person. He has travelled many countries across the globe including USA, UK, China, Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, Russia, Brazil, France, Scotland, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Nepal, Sri Lanka and India for business, professional conference, tourism etc.


He is the Managing Director & CEO of Prantik Express Ltd. and Prantik Travels & Tourism Ltd. which are related to Freight Forwarding and Manpower Exporting business. Apart from Manpower Export, he is also engaged in Global Logistics Industry and their services are: Air Freight, Ocean Freight, Rail Freight, Trucking customs Brokerage, Removal & Relocations, Warehousing and Distribution, Project Handling and Documents


Barrister Fatema Anwar

Independent Director


More than 26 (twenty-six) years of practice in Bangladesh..


LL.B (Hons) – University of London (International Programmes) – 1993-1996.

Bar Vocational Course – BPP-Lincoln’s Inn – 1997 Michealmas. [Specialisation topics: International Trade laws and Private International Law/Conflict of Laws] – Degree of Barrister-at-Law of England & Wales..


Chairman, NR Committee.

Member, CSR & Sustainability Committee

Barrister Fatema Anwar, Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh who has vast experience in litigation in the areas of company law and judicial review, commercial arbitration (local and international), and general corporate legal services, including banking, intellectual property, real estate, admiralty, project financing, telecoms, international trade and the like. Currently Barrister Fatema Anwar is focusing more on providing solutions in complex legal scenarios.

Barrister Fatema Anwar graduated from the University of London with Honours in 1996 and was called to the Bar from the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn in 1997. She was enrolled as an Advocate of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh in 1999. She has almost 26 years’ experience in litigation in the areas of company law and judicial review, commercial arbitration (local and international), and general corporate legal services.s


From the very initial stage of legal practice, made extensive appearances in the district courts and the tribunals in commercial cases, worked for MNOs and corporate clients focusing mainly on the commercial contracts, including the international trade sector. This includes international sales issues, arbitration, extensive work on documentary credits and trade facilitation, project financing, various legal models for different types of multi-lateral contracts. Specialised services in project finance, telecommunications and IT enabled service, Marine, shipping and logistics, Development agencies and INGOs, etc.



Nominated Director & Member


More than 21 (Twenty-one) years of corporate leadership and business personality.


Bachelor’s Degree (Honors) in Economics – University of Delhi


Member of Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC) & Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) Committee of the sub-committee of the Board.


Md. Khaled Noor is a nominated Director on the Board of Unique Hotel & Resorts PLC, representing Borak Real Estate Limited. He was born in 1975 in Lakshmipur.

Mr. Khaled is the founder CEO of Noor Trade House, a leading food service importer of Bangladesh. He was the former CEO of Unique Enterprise & Unique Tours and Travels.

Mr. Md. Khaled Noor is a widely traveled person and attended quite a few sales & supply chain management training programs. He also participated in many business conferences & seminars at home and abroad, including Australia, German, USA, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, China and India.

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