Nearly 26 (Twenty-Six) years of global and local experience in Key business and support roles.
Bachelor’s Degree of Commerce (B.COM) in Management from Dhaka University
MBA degree jointly awarded by Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University, USA and Smith School of Business,Queen’s University, Canada.
Member of Investment Committee of the Board of Directors of Unique Hotel & Resorts PLC.
Mr. Saiful Islam is a Nominated Director of Unique Hotel & Resorts PLC representing Purnima Construction (Pvt) Ltd. He was appointed as Nominee Director in April 2021 against the casual vacancy. Mr. Saiful Islam is also the Director of BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited. In mid-2000, Saiful Islam and his partners set up Equity Partners Limited and Equity Partners Securities Limited, the predecessor companies of BRAC EPL Investments and BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited. He managed both companies for nine years until the companies entered into a joint venture partnership with BRAC Bank Limited in mid of 2009. Before setting up Equity Partners, Mr. Saiful Islam worked as Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President at Union Capital Limited, a Bangladesh brokerage house, merchant bank, and leasing company. Before UCL, Mr. Islam was Head of Operations of Peregrine Capital Limited (PCL), Bangladesh Branch Office, Manager, Securities Operations of PCL, and Manager, Settlements and Client Services, Custodial Services of Standard Chartered Bank, Bangladesh.
He also served as the Managing Director of SES Company Limited, a corporate member of Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges, and a licensed stock broker by the BSEC. Mr. Islam is an active investor in the Bangladesh start-up business arena and holds Board positions in a few of those companies. He is also involved in construction materials and other businesses
Besides the professional activities with BRAC EPL, Mr. Islam is very much involved with capital market development activities. He was the Vice Chairman of the South Asian Federation of Exchanges (SAFE), held the office of Senior Vice President of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) for two consecutive terms, and served as Director of the Dhaka Stock Exchange for more than six years. He held a Board position on the Canada Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CANCHAM). Mr. Islam is a Member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh (AMCHAM), and the Foreign Investors’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). He is the Vice Chair of the Canada Bangladesh Alumni Association.